First Impressions: Why They’re Everything

First Impressions: Why They’re Everything

As Danielle Gruppo says in her book Recruiter Secrets, ‘An unkept look won’t impress the interview team.’ Looking your best is not only applicable to job attainment but also in many situations in life. Whether attending school and interacting with professors, meeting the family of a best friend or significant other for the first time, or perhaps it’s just an average day.  Looking your best could make all the difference in the world. A classmate of mine recently brought this very topic to light on the day we had a test.  She had been attending class all week in sweats, no makeup, etc., but on the day of the test she was dressed sharply with her hair AND makeup done…WOW!  I asked her what the occasion was and she responded happily, ‘Look my best, to do my best!’.  I cannot tell you how well these words have resonated with me since then. Although we may tell ourselves repeatedly not to judge a book by its cover…we still do, after all it is human nature. The first impression IS everything and how we are dressing and preparing ourselves for the event of LIFE each day is important. When we dress well and take care of ourselves in regard to personal hygiene and grooming, people want to approach us, people want to help us, and most importantly people tend to be more inclined to engage in conversation with us and remember us. We also FEEL good. Just like that saying goes, ‘look good, feel good’ – it is 100% true. By taking simple care to look our best, we are essentially...
Why Considering an Unpaid Internship Matters

Why Considering an Unpaid Internship Matters

In this current competitive environment, it’s not enough to just have good grades. You need something on your resume that sets you apart from the rest. That’s where internships come into play. There are some great paid internships out there for the taking; perfect for students who want to put some money in the piggy bank while going to college. Sometimes, finding those internships can be harder than you expect. When you use an internship finder like InternAlliance, in addition to the coveted paid internships you are matched with, there are other fantastic opportunities that you won’t want to miss. These often overlooked jobs are unpaid internships. While you may be a little hesitant about choosing an unpaid internship, there are plenty of reasons and benefits that come from them, some of these benefits include college credit, experience, access to leadership, and work perks – to name a few. Still unsure as to why you should choose an unpaid internship? In following the “If You Give a Mouse a Cookie” method of thinking, here’s why you shouldn’t overlook unpaid internships. Why Considering An Unpaid Internship Matters: If skills match the job requirements, then focus may be on culture fit. If focus is on culture fit, then a path is paved for career success. If a path is paved for career success, then an entry-level job may follow. If an entry-level job follows, then potential for quality of life increases. If quality of life increases, then balance may be achieved. IF your skills match the job requirements and a focus is on culture fit, THEN a successful career path yielding monetary rewards & quality of life may be achieved. So, the...

Networking Trade Secrets – Infographic

Ever hear the phrase “It’s not what you know, it’s who you know”? While it may not be entirely true, the core of the statement certainly stands on a logical premise; getting along with people will help you achieve success. That said, we’ve put together an informative little piece to help you understand the fundamental principles of “Networking”.   Networking Trade Secrets – Infographic   Or Download the PDF: Networking Trade...
Why Being Timely Matters To Interns

Why Being Timely Matters To Interns

Why being timely matters to interns: If reporting to an “early morning or late night” boss cramps beauty sleep, then agreement on work hours is imperative.  If arriving 5 minutes early is perceived as late, then be 10 minutes early.  If relishing nightlife is effecting start time, then reassess priorities.  If apologizing when the discussion permits individual insights, then being late to a meeting won’t be as disruptive.  If missing deadlines is the norm, then sharpen organization & communication skills.  IF leveraging flextime is a benefit, THEN ensure you demonstrate organizational value by work schedule, meeting, & project punctuality.  Being timely...
Why Providing Project Work For Interns Matters

Why Providing Project Work For Interns Matters

Why providing project work for interns Matters: If providing long-term projects to interns is part of their experience, then time gaps in daily routines may be filled with work instead of siestas. If clarification of the project end result is provided, then interns can figure out the detailed steps to get there. If taunting interns when they ask questions is funny, then they will stop asking and project jeopardy will increase. If approachability is one of your attributes, then interns will ask for help when they come to an impasse. If scheduling weekly check-ins is the norm, then a balance of structure and calculated risk may be achieved through two-way communication. IF providing project work for interns Matters to you, THEN downtime in an intern’s day will be minimized, questions will be answered, and status updates will be provided throughout the duration of the project. Sounds like project work Matters for both student and...
Why Treating An Intern As An Adult Matters

Why Treating An Intern As An Adult Matters

Why treating an intern as an adult Matters: If treating interns like children generates a positive reaction, then they will treat you like a parent not a boss. If dismissing an intern’s opinion keeps the status quo, then the two-way street becomes one-way and neither of you will grow. If micromanagement of interns is rejected, then interns can apply creativity in achieving project results. If reprimanding interns in front of others is the norm, the the team will lose respect for you and more mistakes will be made. If adjusting your leadership style to individuals is standard practice, then your interns will reap the benefit of a situational leader. IF treating an intern as an adult Matters to you, THEN you will be viewed as a progressive supervisor who develops their staff and fosters future leaders. Treating an intern as an adult...