Why Providing Project Work For Interns Matters

Why Providing Project Work For Interns Matters

Why providing project work for interns Matters:

  • If providing long-term projects to interns is part of their experience, then time gaps in daily routines may be filled with work instead of siestas.
  • If clarification of the project end result is provided, then interns can figure out the detailed steps to get there.
  • If taunting interns when they ask questions is funny, then they will stop asking and project jeopardy will increase.
  • If approachability is one of your attributes, then interns will ask for help when they come to an impasse.
  • If scheduling weekly check-ins is the norm, then a balance of structure and calculated risk may be achieved through two-way communication.

IF providing project work for interns Matters to you, THEN downtime in an intern’s day will be minimized, questions will be answered, and status updates will be provided throughout the duration of the project. Sounds like project work Matters for both student and supervisor!